Sunday, July 25, 2010


I'll see you {so so so so} soon!

Sincerely, Jilian.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Who: My favorite people on Earth
What: Mission trip
Where: Ecuador
When: Tomorrow
Why: God wants us to.

My feelings towards all of this? Awesome, can't wait.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Little Bit 'a Wisdom

Two and a half months ago my grandma died, on my birthday nonetheless. I couldn't tell you why, but I felt really ashamed to grieve about it. I felt like I needed to force myself to find joy out of the whole situation. Talking to a friend the next day, I apologized to him for being "out of it" because I felt bad that I wasn't able to put on a happy front. I was expecting an, "Oh it's fine, don't worry about it" or maybe, "I understand". He responded with "Jesus wept too." I couldn't imagine a better response. Comforting beyond my vocabulary.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

So yesterday one of my friends and I were sitting in her kitchen talking about the things that high school kids do for fun. She brought up a point; that most of these things aren't by the world's standards, "good". Kind of a disappointing realization, yeah? At least for some of us. Remember when we were seven and the summers seemed like they would never end and pretty much anything would entertain us for hours? I'd love to be seven again.

p.s. This will entertain you for hours. 

Monday, July 19, 2010

The color palette God chose when He created the world amazes me. 

I am thankful for color.
You know that "I'm confused and irritable because I just woke up from a four hour nap on a way-too-humid summer day" mood? I know all about that mood. Just sayin'.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sometimes I get  frustrated that I don't know exactly where I'm going and how i'll end up in life. I don't think I'm the only one that feels this way either, but as long as we know who were following, I think were good to go. Wherever that may be. Thats my tidbit for the day.

Just some blissful listenin'.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of His hands.
Psalm 19:1

You really go above and beyond. Thank you.

A Meaningful Inheritance

Great Grandma's Bible {top, 1896}
Grandma's Bible {bottom, 1932}

Furby? Is that you?

Oh no, its just Marissa Galvez.

p.s. she's wonderful.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Now for some of the greater things that I'm thankful for.

My Brother & Parents
Second Chances
Jr. High Students
Amazing Friends with amazing faith
Influential people
The ability to grow and learn
Unsurpassable opportunities
My Bible [deserves to go in both categories.]

My Grandpa, My Muse

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The little things I'm thankful for.

My Bible
Turquoise jewelry
Herbal tea
Inspirational people
People who could use some inspiration
Pacific Coast Highway
Disposable cameras
Bike rides
Good movies
The feeling after accomplishing something
The seasons
Being alone
Warm blankets
Vintage pocket watches
The hard times
Mellow music
Homegrown apricots
Faithful people
Loose jeans
Recipe books
Fanny packs
Crescent moons
Great quotes
Live music
Half shower half baths = Shaths
High waisted shorts
The smell of beach air
Those people who can always make you smile
The difference between true joy and happiness
Gapped teeth
Honest people
The ability to surrender myself to a higher power
Each day
Vintage clothing patterns
Air conditioning in the summer
Matching old couples
Good conversations
Peanut butter
People who will hold a door open for you
Smells that bring back good memories
My plain brown eyes that have yet to come across countless other things to be thankful for.